Our Services

We provide low cost strategies to:
  • Boost Pro­duc­tion
  • Increase Machine Efficiency
  • Optimize Dewatering
  • Reduce Energy Consumption
  • Enhance Fabric Performance
  • Improve Vacuum System Control
  • Conserve Water
  • Improve Formation and Quality
  • Reduce Downtime

Discover how to enhance Paper, Board and Pulp production while lowering costs.

It all starts with a detailed Vac­uum Sys­tem Sur­vey and in-depth analysis.

A vac­uum sys­tem sur­vey should pre­cede any for­mer or press sec­tion upgrade or rebuild. The entire sys­tem is stud­ied over a 2–3 day period, begin­ning with an infor­mal meet­ing to dis­cuss your goals and per­cieved vac­uum and dewa­ter­ing prob­lems. Analy­sis is pro­vided and reviewed in an exit meet­ing. A full writ­ten report fol­lows the on-site study.

Detailed Analysis/Troubleshooting

Usu­ally, a spe­cific prob­lem ini­ti­ates the vac­uum sur­vey (e.g., low vac­uum lev­els, poor machine effi­ciency, vac­uum sys­tem motor over­loads or vac­uum con­trol issues). Dur­ing the study the entire vac­uum sys­tem is ana­lyzed and root causes iden­ti­fied. Changes to resolve prob­lems can often be made imme­di­ately. It is com­mon to uncover addi­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties lead­ing to sys­tem and dewa­ter­ing opti­miza­tion which were not antic­i­pated prior to per­form­ing the survey.

Vac­uum Sys­tem Energy Reduction

Energy sav­ing plays an increas­ingly impor­tant role and is often a pri­mary moti­va­tion for con­duct­ing vac­uum audits. Energy reduc­tion of 10–15% of vac­uum sys­tem oper­at­ing power is com­mon and can be as high as 25%. Sys­tem opti­miza­tion and bet­ter uti­liza­tion of installed vac­uum is always the key ben­e­fit of energy reduc­tion stud­ies. Fre­quently, these sav­ings are avail­able with lit­tle or no cap­i­tal cost.

Energy Sav­ings Example

Fol­low­ing the study of 14 paper, board and pulp machines for a Cana­dian man­u­fac­turer, 3.6 MW of poten­tial energy sav­ings was iden­ti­fied. The com­bined vac­uum sys­tems had 50,000 installed horse­power. The cost asso­ci­ated with tap­ping almost half of this energy sav­ings wind­fall was neg­li­gi­ble. Even with low hydro­elec­tric rates, almost $500,000 can be saved annu­ally.

Consulting Services

Vacuum Surveys

Vac­uum sur­veys and audits to improve paper­mak­ing oper­a­tions, reli­a­bil­ity and pro­duc­tiv­ity, which usu­ally uncover oppor­tu­ni­ties to reduce operating costs.

Maintenance Review

Review vac­uum pump main­te­nance his­tory, eval­u­ate repair fre­quency and fail­ure analy­sis, and pro­pose modifications.

Wet End Dewatering

Paper machine wet end dewa­ter­ing
per­for­mance and effi­ciency improvements.

Felt & Fabric

Felt and Fab­ric Con­di­tion­ing equip­ment analy­sis to enhance press­ing, felt per­for­mance and life.

Technical Seminars

Con­duct sem­i­nars for mill per­son­nel on vac­uum sys­tem oper­a­tion, main­te­nance and troubleshooting.

Schedule your mill visit now!