An Update – April 2017

Here is a quick update on Doug Sweet & Associates.  TAPPI Papercon 2017 begins on Sunday, April 23 in Minneapolis.  Jacqui and Doug will be attending the conference, but decided not to have an exhibit this year. Don’t worry, Jacqui is still bringing her famous cookies and even though we don’t have a booth we will be in the exhibit hall so we can visit our long time paper industry friends.  If you are trying to track us down, just send a brief e-mail to either one of us. or

The conference kicks off on Monday morning and includes the Keynote Address.  Technical sessions begin at 1:30 in the afternoon.  Tuesday will be a busy day.  Doug begins with hosting a table to discuss Vacuum Systems at the Hot Topics Breakfast, at 6:45.  At the 10:30 Papermaking session he will be presenting a paper on Papermaking Best Practices with Vacuum-Dewatering Systems.  Also, Doug is being recognized with a PIMA award on Tuesday evening.  We will attend the Water Removal Committee meeting at noon on Wednesday.

Finally, here is a belated announcement that Doug Sweet & Associates celebrated a 15 year anniversary back in September.  We had many good friends join us and our family during the celebration party.  Here is a photo of Jacqui, Doug, Carrie & Sam and Doug II, Corinne and little Callie. (Emma was at a sleepover that night)

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